(*drum roll*) - Celiac disease! No Ulcer! Still waiting on the vestibular testing...
So, because my symptoms are not typical for Celiac (hardly any really), I am a potential case study for my gastroenterologist - his "Celiac Buddy" as he put it. I'll journal about my symptoms and how they have changed, maybe do a recorded interview for the med students at UofM, send resources that I find to him. The first question out of everyone's mouth so far - "Are they paying you???" We haven't really talked about this - I'd be happy to interview or whatever to further understanding about Celiac; otherwise we need to talk.
2 weeks and counting for the vestibular testing...
so can you drink coffee now? you sound happier, i'm guessing "yes" on that one. good luck with your continuing diagnoses!
Hi Krista! Or Kristra :P
I had some coffee this morning at Whole Foods - it was a mild roast, haven't ventured to the Extra Bold yet... It was delicious and didn't hurt at all! YAY!
Life is better - nausea and headaches are all but gone; though I am mourning some foods... Licorice has wheat in it - even Panda brand :/ But jelly belly jelly beans are ok! and chocolate! So I'm dealing :P
How are you doing??? Inquiring minds want to know!
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