Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More on how to screw BP while they try to screw the Great Lakes

Some of BP's "products" to boycott: Amoco, Castrol, ARCO stations, ARAL stations (if you're in Germany, Luxembourg or the Czech Republic), and ampm convenience stores.

Did I mention they're evil? From an article in the
Chicago Tribune

"State and federal regulators, though, agreed last month with the London-based company that there isn't enough room at the 1,400-acre site to upgrade the refinery's water treatment plant.

The company will now be allowed to dump an average of 1,584 pounds of ammonia and 4,925 pounds of sludge into Lake Michigan every day. The additional sludge is the maximum allowed under federal guidelines.

Company officials insisted they did everything they could to keep more pollution out of the lake."

Ya know, I don't have enough room on my property to upgrade my septic system... Oh, thanks DEQ, I'd love to just dump it in that lake over there - it's cheaper than moving or *gasp* buying more property!


valsharess1 said...

BTW, heard on the news this morning that BP has agreed not to dump because of the backlash. :)

G33k Lady said...

Yah I heard they are "reconsidering" or somesuch... good times! Bastiges

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