Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"Patience ain't my fortitude"

That quote is from Rahm Emanuel, congressman from Illinois (not my congressman, but he's still representing our country!). Why?
I heard this quote today on NPR on the drive home. It's at 1:51 on the track found here (after a brief commercial from our sponsors).
Dorks all know that patience has nothing to do with fortitude... that's all constitution, baby! (Saving throw vs. idiots! Oh wait, that's a will save...)
I talk like a lolcat for fun - but if I'm being interviewed by NPR, for one thing I won't use "ain't" (twice even). Especially if I'm a congressperson! Things like this burn me - when someone "learned" uses the term "irregardless" - aaaarrrgggghh! Drives me bonkers!

Oh, and btw, here's a list of redundant expressions from wikipedia to drive you nuts!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hair: the long and short of it


Holy gods it's short! OMG Look at the crap on that counter! I spy PSP box!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

OMG Hacks!

Star Wars Galaxies, cleaning, Ikea and Ann Arbor Art Fair are eating my life right now.
But this is what I get to look forward to for the fair ->