Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More on how to screw BP while they try to screw the Great Lakes

Some of BP's "products" to boycott: Amoco, Castrol, ARCO stations, ARAL stations (if you're in Germany, Luxembourg or the Czech Republic), and ampm convenience stores.

Did I mention they're evil? From an article in the
Chicago Tribune

"State and federal regulators, though, agreed last month with the London-based company that there isn't enough room at the 1,400-acre site to upgrade the refinery's water treatment plant.

The company will now be allowed to dump an average of 1,584 pounds of ammonia and 4,925 pounds of sludge into Lake Michigan every day. The additional sludge is the maximum allowed under federal guidelines.

Company officials insisted they did everything they could to keep more pollution out of the lake."

Ya know, I don't have enough room on my property to upgrade my septic system... Oh, thanks DEQ, I'd love to just dump it in that lake over there - it's cheaper than moving or *gasp* buying more property!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So if you haven't heard, BP has applied for and gotten (FU DEQ too!) the right to dump toxic waste (ammonia and mercury) into Lake Michigan.
Give BP the finger, and sign the petition please.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


So I had vestibular testing round two today. I took Antivert before I went, but I still didn't make it through. The first test we did was torture chair! Have you seen the Myth Busters episode where they try out different motion sickness remedies? It was like that, only I got swung around in both directions. Ew. I amazingly held down my very early morning breakfast during the test.
Second test was a redo of the cold water in the ear test. I made it through the left ear, but felt sooo on the verge of losing breakfast that I stopped them. I was like no way, not again! So I sat there in front of a bucket ("Get me a bucket! I'm 'onna throw up!"), mopping my head with a washcloth, denying that I'll ever do that shit again. The techs said they think they have enough, even though I failed to complete the entire water test (there were still 3 more to do! no wai!).
So I went up to the cafe to settle my stomach with a baked potato (how I wish for saltines that are GF!). My dr. appt was at 1, so I went down there to check in and read before they called me in. This was an OTO doc. Little did I know that more torture awaited!
They put me through several tests in the OTO's office, which promptly made me sit clenching my stomach and holding my head (kthxdie). The doc comes in later and is like "I don't think you have an inner-ear issue. I think it's migraines. They sometimes don't produce headaches, but the visual cue-caused motion sickness etc. is a symptom." So I'm getting an MRI next week to rule out a tumor on my left inner-ear (apparently my left ear hearing isn't as good as my right). If I don't have a tumor (it's not a tuma!), then I'll do the fun trial and error on migraine meds, until I find one that's "right for me". UGH. At least we can cut out the gluten-containing ones... if my doc isn't stupid :P Oh noes! I's in troubles!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I saw a Dog today...

So my husband wakes me up this morning, tells me he has a surprise. It's time-sensitive, so we have to get going. It'll take about 1.5 hours to get there, so lets go already!
I cannot guess why we would be going to Taylor, of all places. He won't say. As we arrive, he says "Borders - that's what we're looking for." Ok, so who's at Borders? It's Dog the Bounty Hunter! And his wife Beth! Awesum!
See my Flickr page for some blurry shots! Woohoo!
It was pretty sweet... We now have two copies of a book that he probably didn't write himself, but signed by him. He didn't have time to take photos with all the fans - they had a plane to catch. I hope they at least got everyones just-purchased copy of his book signed at least!
Just wish Leland was there - he's hawt!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Golden Compass Daemons...

Great books, can't wait for the movie...


hmmm, originally uploaded by sushigooddog.

Umm yeah that's my desk.. and the red Swingline too... and Chewbacca mug... OMG what a mess. And no, I didn't take this picture either!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


dude-nsfw, originally uploaded by Myshra.


Oh and check out Dooce's dog Chuck in some lingerie!

joined a gym...

... worked out today... woohoo! ow!
I has a butt  purhaps ud like 2 pet it?