Sunday, May 20, 2007

Outback = AOK

So I went to dinner with friends at Outback Steakhouse because they have a *gasp* Gluten Free Menu! It tells you what to ask to have left off, and just asking for the menu signals the staff. It was pretty darn good!
It was a nice change from homework and paying bills, which is what I'm doing now...


Patty said...

So is it helping? It's a done deal this disease?

G33k Lady said...

I see my gastroenterologist Wed. to get the official diagnosis, and diet, as well as the ulcer diet :( I miss coffee :( Why it have to hurt me so bad?!

Patty said...

But once it's healed you should be okay with that right?

OMG I can see why you'd have an ulcer with all the muck you've been dealing with.

My stomach photos showed the start of ulceration, but I think it's clearing up. The doc said don't ever take that Advil or Alieve or whatever it's called..but then again I sometimes chew the stupid things since I can't swallow a pill some days lol. And they sit and eat holes in my stomach..DUH. But of course taking them with food I guess they're not to bad. Dunno, have to ask the doc.

You have to take care of Hilary! Just get the boring foods, drink healthy liquids..and eventually this will get straightened out. "Tis better to suffer while healing than to suffer endlessly and not know what the hell is wrong with you." You can quote me on that lol

Chocolate..bad..carbinated drinks, bad..citrus OUT..raw onions, char broiled foods.. My stomach hurts thinking about eating that because of years of dealing with ick stomach. Jello is good ;) I love jello! I also found out I can't eat tomatoes..they're bad too. I never loved them more now that they said NO.

I've cut out coffee before (OMG) and chocolate (bigger OMG) and citrus still makes me sick but like Grandma told me once.. think of it as what you GET to have, not what you CANT have.. mind set. Easier said than done of course. We're dealing with cholesterol, salt, about yuck. I still haven't mastered cooking like that.

It'll be okay lady..just hang in there. I'm glad you're on a path in the right direction. FINALLY.

ILU! -p

G33k Lady said...

Actually, Celiac Disease is a lifelong thing - I can never have gluten again! It'll destroy my stomach and make me sick... I can already tell when I've had some, becuase I get sick again...

Oh well, lots of good stuff on the market!

Can't wait to see you guys! And don't worry, I'll bring lots of food with me :P